Mad Sweeney
JoinedPosts by Mad Sweeney
What is the WT's current stance on the age of the earth?
by popcorn_eater inthe reason i ask is i remember reading quite recently, in i think an "awake" mag about creation, that other churches confuse people by insisting on young earth creationism, which causes people to lose their faith.
the magazine was going off on groups and churches who insist on teaching science that conflicts with the bible (....).
i thought the wt was a proponent of this young earth creationism as well.
Mad Sweeney
They play both sides. Some of the heavies still believe the 7 days of 7,000 years each, meaning the earth is approximately 49,000 years old (they mention it in talks now and then). Others take the more rational view that the Watchtower magazine has stated that the creative days are of unknown length and could be (the appropriately vague) eons of time.
Never have they said what science knows: that the universe is around 14 billion years old and that our solar system is under 4 billion.
The REAL atheist meaning of life . . .
by nicolaou inthere isn't one and that's a really good thing.
let me illustrate;.
you are an artist, you pick up a new canvas and place it on your easel.
Mad Sweeney
It isn't that there ARE NO RULES for living our life, PSac. It is that the rules are determined BY US OURSELVES, based on OUR OWN reason.
The general atheist meaning of life
by mankkeli ini have posted this on another forum where i mentor on spirituality and i am posting here again.. when things like spirituality are no longer present in one's life, they may or may not stop looking for meaning.
meaning is an essential part of human psychology, though some feel the need for it less than others, and even a few seemingly don't at all.
there also seems to be a trend that occurs: in the lack of a meaning of life, the brain tries to find one, because it sees a purpose for everything.. .
Mad Sweeney
Why give Alice the time of day? Its premise that the atheist meaning of life is survival is incorrect and so there is absolutely NO REASON to discuss its post further.
Plus it's a troll.
by Balaamsass ini have been reading countless heartbreaking accounts on this site of children of jehovah's witnesses being "disfellowshipped" and shunned by entire families, their congregations, basicly everyone they have ever known for simply questioning their parent's religion!!.
some have been tossed out of family homes to live in cars!!!
this is not christian.
Mad Sweeney
I'm getting sick and tired of reading people say, "they don't shun them if they're under 18." Pardon my Irish but BULL SHIT.
The parents MAY allow them to remain in the home until they are 18, but EVERYONE ELSE THEY WERE EVER CLOSE TO SHUNS THEM AS PER BORG POLICY!
And I'm a bit surprised at your comments, Sir82. Disfellowshipping for ANY REASON is HATEFUL and abusive. It doesn't matter if the kid is 12, 15, 17, or even 37. It is a HATEFUL and ABUSIVE practice.
What was your most DISTURBING event as an elder ? (Per T.O.S. no full names please).
by Balaamsass ini'll start the ball rolling.
dealing with kids in any type of judicial manner.
i would do everything i could to get parents to "deal with it-kindly" at home.
Mad Sweeney
Someone asked on the previous page how an ectopic pregnancy can become a judicial matter.
I don't know of this specific case but I think the recommendation the doctor makes to a woman in such a situation is to abort the fetus asap since there is NO WAY it can survive. A woman can be DFd for having an abortion. That could be what happened there.
What was the last meeting you ever went to?
by lilbluekitty ini figured out it's been 4 months and 5 days since my last meeting ever.
july 10th, it was a sunday.
i hadn't been there in 2 months or so and decided to see if anyone noticed i'd been gone.
Mad Sweeney
Hang in there, boc. Hope you get to fade or leave soon and on your own terms.
I don't have the date memorized but it was early March 2010 on a Sunday. I just walked out during the middle song and never went back.
Lessons the Governing Body should take from the Joe Paterno scandal (but probably won't)
by sir82 in1) when confronted with evidence of child molestation, doing the bare legal minimum is not enough morally.
2) a carefully honed and managed reputation can be destroyed literally overnight if immoral actions / inactions are brought to light.
3) no matter how "high up" someone is, he is still accountable for his actions / inactions, and will have to pay consequences for wrong choices.
Mad Sweeney
You ladies feel free to stray all you like, ok?
By the way, Zid, are we FB friends? I get the JWN screennames and the FB names mixed up.
Ex-JW Women website!
by Chemical Emotions ini just created a website for jw and ex-jw women.
please visit it and tell me what you think (and maybe sign up hehe)!
it's a work in progress.
Mad Sweeney
Mad Sweeney Wow. I didn't know a site like that existed.
It doesn't. That's what I thought THIS was going to be.
Will the WT stats take a dive in 2014?
by Aussie Oz inwhile looking through stas charts on jwfacts i notice two charts of publishers through the years.. on them, it is very clear that growth fell off the chart after 1975 and dropped dramaticaly again at 2000.. we know why for 75 and remember that many understood the big a to come by 2000.. will 2014 mark a subconscious and hopefully conscious psychological reaction from jws and 'interested' ones i wonder?.
Mad Sweeney
If "most JWs" don't care about 2014, that means SOME JWs DO.
Their growth barely surpasses the birth rate in the developed world NOW. It will only get worse by 2014.
When the "generation overlap" was floated at the 2009 Borg Annual Meeting people said the same sorts of things. JWs don't care about that stuff. Most JWs will let that slide without a second glance.
But this forum has several members that left the Borg BECAUSE OF the overlap doctrine.
If you think 2014 doesn't mean anything to ANY JWs then you're wrong. Some will leave over it. I think the numbers will be at least as significant as 2000.